Sunday, March 14, 2010

Same Stuff - Different Day And A New Means Of Travel

The next three days all sort of rolled into each other with lots of magazine reading, tv watching, having visitors, eating, physio and walking the corridors on the zimmer frame. Friday night I found it very difficult to get to sleep and lay awake until 2:00am. I relentlessly rang for the nurse and asked her for something to help me sleep. Morning came around all too quickly so on Saturday I was a bit of a cot case having had only about 4 hours sleep. My back was still giving me a tremendous amount of pain and the plastic surgeon told me that sometimes that can occur after surgery such as this. The nurses were very kind; one even went as far as using some of her own special anti-flam rub and massaged it in for me. I had also developed a bit of a cough irritated throat from the tubes which were put down there during surgery to keep the airways open.  The cathetar was also irritating my bladder and making me feel as if I wanted to wee continually, so I was pleased when they removed it on the Saturday. I was now able to walk around my room unaided but very slowly.
On Sunday Darren came in and I asked the nurses if we could use one of the wheelchairs as I had not been out of my room since Wednesday and was getting cabin fever. They said we could and so Darren took me for a bit of a spin along the corridor.  It felt so strange to be pushed in one of those and I felt like an old lady but it was good to be free for five minutes.

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