How easily I have forgotten how rotten I felt whilst enduring chemotherapy and recovering from operations but I haven't forgotten all those people that were there for me and Darren. Supporting us, holding us whilst we howled our eyes out, encouraging us. Those people who gave practical help, taking me to appointments, cooking meals, bringing firewood and moral support. You are all angels in your own way.
I have met some amazing people and through my J'Beanies have made contact with so many more people who are fighting this beast. It has been humbling to be able to give them some support and be a listening ear.
Breast Cancer has changed me in so many ways and I know it's a horrible thing to go through but I think I am a better person after going through this. I look at life through a different pair of glasses now. I no longer sit around waiting for life to happen. I make things happen. I spend less time worrying about the less important things in life; I've stopped stressing over things that can't be changed because I know things will always work out one way or another. I spend more time with the people I love; I am devoting my working life to people who deserve it and not to those who are greedy with their time and money. I want to try new things that I have never done before - so to you Cancer, you may have taken my original breast but you did not take my spirit with it. I have stood up and fought you and you are gone from my life. Now I can move on with the rest of it. God Bless you all. xx
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