Monday, June 20, 2011

My Wonderful Life

Well finally I am able to find some time and update my blog. I have had it on my "To Do List" for the last couple of months.

As mentioned last time, I celebrated my 48th birthday in February. A few friends and family got together and went out for a lovely meal. For me, and I think a few of my friends, it was more than just a birthday. It was a celebration that I have come through the rough and out the other side and am here to celebrate another birthday. I will never again moan about getting old because quite frankly the alternative to aging is not an option. My daughters bought along a cake ablaze with candles which I quickly had to extinguish as it was creating a terrible hot flush.

Once we had finished at the restaurant we went out to the local bar and had drinks, drinks and drinks and danced the night away into the wee small hours. It was a great night. Bring on the birthdays I say, next big one 50. Party ideas already in the pipeline.

For those that don't know, I have a great new job. I started way back in March in a completely different role. I am working in customer service at our new local DIY warehouse in Paraparaumu. No more sitting behind desks for me. I am on my feet all day and have lost some of the weight that I accumulated during chemo. The position requires me to work every 2nd weekend but that is ok, I'm getting used to it now. Darren and I just make sure that we do something together on my weekends off. They are a really great team to work with and I am even on the Social Club Committee; they should be worried!!!

The beanies have slowed down a little bit but I am thinking that people are probably wearing normal, woolier hats now that we are in winter. I have been networking alot so I have most of the country covered now.

We are beginning to count down the months until our trip to the UK which is happening in April next year. We hope to have a stop over in Dubai as Darren is keen to have a look there and also once we get to England, we hope to go to Paris for a couple of days, which I am excited about.

As promised waaay back in my blog I said I would post a picture of my surgery areas as time goes on and they heal, so here it is. The tummy scar is still quite pink but the breast one is very feint. I still have no feeling in the new breast which I really can't get used to but otherwise I am great. My hair is well on its way to its former length and I have even started using the straighteners on it. My eyelashes still have to sort themselves out. Apparently it takes a while for them to resume their normal cycle of renewing themselves so every now and again I have patches where the new little lashes are pushing out the older longer ones, which creates an interesting look.

So all in all, life is great. I have had a new lease on life and am loving every minute of it.

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