Friday, August 13, 2010

Half Way There

I had my sixth lot of paclitaxel yesterday....goodness me, the time is flying with this. Everything is going really well with it and have no side effects. The chemo nurses call me a little star because of this. The only problem occuring is that by this stage in the treatment, the veins in my hand know what is coming every week and are starting to shrink away from the needle. On the fifth session, the veins were not behaving and I had to have one inserted closer up the hand by the wrist bone.....boy did that make my eyes water. This time they tried another one but with no success so they had to go in by the wrist again. If these naughty veins don't get their act together I will have to have a PIC line put in which is a long tube down the vein of my arm which is ultrasound guided. This will have to stay in place until my treatment is finished. Another method is to have a port-a-cath inserted in my chest which is put in under general anaesthetic, hhhhmmm not to keen on being put out again, so we will just have to see how it goes.

Other than that, life has been quite busy. I have been making beanies flat out and getting in touch with different agencies who may like to help me market them. For the link to my website, click on the JBeanies tab at the top of the page.

I had my new nipple created a few weeks ago. Once my dressings are off I will be posting about that and putting up photos for those that are interested.

So I am now half way through the paclitaxel and have half a new nipple. Good things certainly do take time.

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